Kris Kuhlman's Hydrogeophysics Research
I am a hydrogeophysicist interested in radioactive waste disposal, hydraulic well/packer testing, parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification, flow and transport in low permeability rocks (e.g., salt and deep borehole for radioactive waste disposal), and coupled hydrogeophysical processes (i.e., electrokinetics, thermoporoelasticity, heat of wetting, and thermohaline convection).
NB: this personal website is not endorsed by employer; see official staff website.
Citation indexes:
ORCiD, and
- 2025
- 54. Rimsza, J.M. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2025. Vacancy-mediated increases in brine-salt surface energies, Langmuir, 41(1):868-875.
- 53. Eldridge, D.L., M.M. Mills, H.B.D. Miller, S. Otto, J.E. Davis, E.J. Guiltinan, T. Rahn, K.L. Kuhlman & P.H. Stauffer, 2025. Measuring the stable isotope composition of water in brine from halite fluid inclusions and borehole brine seeps using cavity ring-down spectroscopy, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 9(1):16-30.
- 2024
- 52. Wang, Y., T. Hadgu, B. Faybishenko, J. Harrington, E. Tamayo-Mas, K.L. Kuhlman & C.F. Jove-Colon, 2024. Soft interface instability and gas flow channeling in low-permeability deformable media, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 40:100622.
- 51. Wang, Y., H. Shao, K.L. Kuhlman, C.F. Jove-Colon & O. Kolditz, 2024 Shear-induced fluid localization, episodic fluid release and porosity wave in deformable low-permeability rock salt, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 40:100600.
- 50. Jayne, R.S. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2024. Utilizing high-resolution 3D Voronoi meshing to analyze field data from the Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS), Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 39:100585.
- 49. Kuhlman, K.L., J. Bartol, S. Benbow, M. Bourret, O. Czaikowski, E. Guiltinan, K. Jantschik, R. Jayne, S. Norris, J. Rutqvist, H. Shao, P. Stauffer, H. Tounsi & C. Watson, 2024. Synthesis of Results for Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) DECOVALEX-2023 Task E, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 39:100581.
- 48. Chen, H., J. Wang, L. Linqing, S. Otto, J. Davis, K.L. Kuhlman & Y. Wu, 2024. Electrical resistivity changes during heating experiments unravels heterogeneous thermal-hydrological-mechanical processes in salt formations, Geophysical Research Letters, 51(14):e2024GL109836.
- 47. Malama, B., Y.-F. Lin & K.L. Kuhlman, 2024. Semi-analytical modeling of transient stream drawdown and depletion in response to aquifer pumping, Groundwater, 62(6):904-919. [preprint at arXiv]
- 46. Kuhlman, K.L., 2024. Generalized solution for double-porosity flow through a graded excavation damaged zone, Mathematical Geosciences, 56:1739-1762. [preprint at arXiv, software on github]
- 45. Benbow, S., C. Watson, A. Bond, S. Norris, S. Parsons & K.L. Kuhlman, 2024. "Coupled Modelling of Brine Availability in Salt-Based Disposal Facilities - Learning from DECOVALEX 2023", in Powering the Energy Transition through Subsurface Collaboration, The Geological Society, Energy Geoscience Conference Series, Volume 1.
- 44. Kuhlman, K.L., J. Bartol, A. Carter, A. Lommerzheim & J. Wolf, 2024. Scenario development for safety assessment in deep geologic disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel: A review, Risk Analysis, 44(8):1850-1864. [preprint at EarthArXiv]
- 2023
- 43. Tounsi, H., J. Rutqvist, M. Hu & K. Kuhlman, 2023. Thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling of brine migration in a heated borehole test in bedded salt, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 57:5505-5518.
- 42. Wang, J., S. Uhlemann, S. Otto, B. Dozier, K. Kuhlman & Y. Wu, 2023. Joint geophysical and numerical insights of the coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical processes during heating in salt, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(9):e2023JB026954.
- 41. Good, F.T., K.L. Kuhlman, T.C. LaForce, M.J. Paul & J.E. Heath, 2023. Analytical solution and parameter estimation for heat of wetting and vapor adsorption during spontaneous imbibition in tuff, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 203:123814. [preprint at arXiv]
- 2022
- 40. Beskardes, G.D., C.J. Weiss, K.L. Kuhlman & K.W. Chang, 2022. Finite element modeling of diffusion in fractured porous media by using hierarchical material properties, Water Resources Research, 58(2):e2020WR029510.
- 39. Kuhlman, K.L., M.M. Mills, J.E. Heath, M.J. Paul, J.E. Wilson & J.E. Bower, 2022. Parameter estimation from spontaneous imbibition into volcanic tuff, Vadose Zone Journal, 21(2):e20188. [supplementary information]
- 2021
- 38. Rimsza, J.M. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2021. Temperature and pressure dependence of salt-brine dihedral angles in the subsurface, Langmuir, 37(45):13291-13299.
- 37. Thiros, N.E., W.P. Gardner & K.L. Kuhlman, 2021. Utilizing environmental tracers to reduce groundwater flow and transport model parameter uncertainties, Water Resources Research, 57(7):e2020WR028235.
- 36. Heath, J.E. & K.L. Kuhlman, S.T. Broome, J.E. Wilson & B. Malama, 2021. Heterogeneous multiphase flow properties of volcanic rocks and implications for noble gas transport from underground nuclear explosions, Vadose Zone Journal, 20(3):e20123. [supplementary information and supporting data]
- 35. Priya, P., K.L. Kuhlman, & N.R. Aluru, 2021. Pore-scale modeling of electrokinetics in geomaterials, Transport in Porous Media, 137(3):651-666.
- 34. Kuhlman, K.L. & B. Malama, 2021. Uncoupling electrokinetic flow solutions, Mathematical Geosciences, 53(6):1293-1318. [preprint at arXiv and software]
- 2020
- 33. Jayne, R.S. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2020. Utilizing temperature and brine inflow measurements to constrain reservoir parameters during a salt heater test, Minerals, 10(11):1025.
- 32. Guiltinan, E.J., K.L. Kuhlman, J. Rutqvist, M. Hu, H. Boukhalfa, M. Mills, S. Otto, D.J. Weaver, B. Dozier & P.H. Stauffer, 2020. Temperature response and brine availability to heated boreholes in bedded salt, Vadose Zone Journal, 19(1):e20019. [journal cover photo]
- 31. Paul, M.J., S. Broome, K.L. Kuhlman, J. Feldman & J. Heath, 2020. An experimental method to measure gaseous diffusivity in tight and partially saturated porous media via continuously monitored mass spectrometry, Transport in Porous Media, 133(1):1-22.
- 30. Rimsza, J.M. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2020. Surface energies and structure of salt-brine interfaces, Langmuir, 36(9):2482-2491.
- 2018
- 29. Wang, Y., C.F. Jove Colón, C. Lenting, J. Icenhower & K.L. Kuhlman, 2018. Morphological Instability of Aqueous Dissolution of Silicate Glasses and Minerals, NPJ Materials Degradation, 2:27.
- 2017
- 28. Gardner, W.P., S.J. Bauer, K.L. Kuhlman & J.E. Heath, 2017. Modeling dynamic helium release as a tracer of rock deformation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(11):8828–8838. [preprint at arXiv]
- 27. Johansson, F., V. Steinberg, S.B. Kirpichev, K.L. Kuhlman, A. Meurer, O. Čertík, C. Van Horsen, P. Masson, J. Arias de Reyna, T. Hartmann, M. Kagalenko, P. Peterson, Z. Jędrzejewski-Szmek, S. Krastanov, J. Warner, W. Weckesser, T. Buchert, N. Schlömer, J. Creus-Costa, G.-L. Ingold, C. Behan & A. Brys, 2017. mpmath: a Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic (version 1.0). [mpmath website, github repository]
- 26. Brady, P.V., G.A. Freeze, K.L. Kuhlman, E.L. Hardin, D.C. Sassani & R.J. MacKinnon, 2017. Deep Borehole Disposal of Nuclear Waste: US Perspective in Apted & Ahn (Eds.) Geological Repository Systems for Safe Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuels and Radioactive Waste, Second Edition (89–112). Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy. [preprint at arXiv]
- 25. Thomas, M.A., K.L. Kuhlman & A.L. Ward, 2017. Anthropogenic influences on groundwater in the vicinity of a long-lived radioactive waste repository, Hydrological Processes, 31(14):2637–2647. [preprint at arXiv]
- 2016
- 24. Wang, Y., C.F. Jove Colón & K.L. Kuhlman, 2016. Nonlinear dynamics and instability of aqueous dissolution of silicate glasses and minerals, Scientific Reports, 6, 30256.
- 23. Malama, B., K.L. Kuhlman, R. Brauchler & P. Bayer, 2016. Modeling cross-hole slug tests in an unconfined aquifer, Journal of Hydrology, 540:784–796. [preprint at arXiv and software]
- 22. Hardin, E., P. Brady, A. Clark, J. Cochran, G. Freeze, K. Kuhlman, B. MacKinnon, D. Sassani & J. Su, 2016. Field test to evaluate deep borehole disposal, Radwaste Solutions, 23(1):30-39.
- 2015
- 21. Kuhlman, K.L., B. Malama & J.E. Heath, 2015. Multiporosity flow in fractured low-permeability rocks, Water Resources Research, 51(2):848–860. [preprint at arXiv and software]
- 20. Malama, B. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2015. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity models based on truncated lognormal pore-size distributions, Groundwater, 53(3):498–502. [preprint at arXiv, bitbucket, and implementation in PFLOTRAN]
- 2014
- 19. Sturchio, N.C., K.L. Kuhlman, R. Yokochi, P.C. Probst, W. Jiang, Z.-T. Lu, P. Mueller & G.-M. Yang, 2014. Krypton-81 in groundwater of the Culebra Dolomite near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 160:12–20. [draft]
- 2013
- 18. Malama, B., K.L. Kuhlman & S.C. James, 2013. Core-scale solute-transport model selection using Monte Carlo analysis, Water Resources Research, 49(6):3313–3147. [preprint at arXiv and bitbucket]
- 17. Kuhlman, K.L., 2013. Review of inverse Laplace transform algorithms for Laplace-space numerical approaches, Numerical Algorithms, 63(2):339–355. [preprint at arXiv, bitbucket]
- 16. Mishra, P.K. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2013. Unconfined aquifer flow theory: from Dupuit to present in Mishra & Kuhlman (Eds.) Advances in Hydrogeology (185–202). New York: Springer. [preprint at arXiv and bitbucket]
- 15. Ji, S.-H., Y.-K. Koh, K.L. Kuhlman, M.-Y. Lee & J.-W. Choi, 2013. Influence of pressure change during hydraulic tests on fracture aperture, Groundwater, 51(2):298–304. [draft]
- 14. Kuhlman, K.L., 2013. Historic testing relevant to disposal of heat-generating waste in salt, Radwaste Solutions, 20(4):22–28.
- 13. Mishra, P.K. & K.L. Kuhlman (Eds.), 2013. Advances in Hydrogeology, New York: Springer.
- 2012
- 12. Mishra, P.K., V.V. Vesselinov & K.L. Kuhlman, 2012. Saturated-unsaturated flow in a compressible leaky-unconfined aquifer, Advances in Water Resources, 42:62–70. [preprint at arXiv]
- 2011
- 11. Malama, B., K.L. Kuhlman, W. Barrash, M. Cardiff & M. Thoma, 2011. Modeling slug tests in unconfined aquifers taking into account water table kinematics, wellbore skin and inertial effects, Journal of Hydrology, 408(1–2):113–126. [draft and software]
- 10. Bakker, M. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2011. Computational issues and applications of line-elements to model subsurface flow governed by the modified Helmholtz equation, Advances in Water Resources, 34(9):1186–1194. [software]
- 2010
- 9. Kuhlman, K.L. & E. Pardo Igúzquiza, 2010. Universal cokriging of hydraulic heads accounting for boundary conditions, Journal of Hydrology, 384(1–2):14–25. [draft and software]
- 2009
- 8. Malama, B., K.L. Kuhlman & A. Revil, 2009. Theory of transient streaming potentials associated with axial-symmetric flow in unconfined aquifers, Geophysical Journal International, 179(2):990–1003. [software]
- 7. Kuhlman, K.L. & S.P. Neuman, 2009. Laplace-transform analytic-element method for transient porous-media flow, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 64(2):113–130.
[draft and software]
- 6. Malama, B., A. Revil & K.L. Kuhlman, 2009. A semi-analytical solution for transient streaming potentials associated with confined aquifer pumping tests, Geophysical Journal International, 176(3):1007–1016. [software]
- 2008
- 5. Malama, B., K.L. Kuhlman & W. Barrash, 2008. Semi-analytical solution for flow in a leaky unconfined aquifer toward a partially penetrating pumping well, Journal of Hydrology, 356(1–2):234–244. [software]
- 4. Kuhlman, K.L., 2008. Laplace transform analytic element method for transient groundwater flow simulation, PhD Dissertation, University of Arizona. [software or official U of A pdf copy]
- 3. Kuhlman, K.L. & A.W. Warrick, 2008. Quasilinear infiltration from an elliptical cavity, Advances in Water Resources, 31(8):1057–1065. [draft and software]
- 2. Kuhlman, K.L., A.C. Hinnell, P.K. Mishra & T.-C.J. Yeh, 2008. Basin-scale transmissivity and storativity estimation using hydraulic tomography, Groundwater, 46(5):706–715. [draft]
- 2007
- 1. Malama, B., K.L. Kuhlman & W. Barrash, 2007. Semi-analytical solution for flow in leaky unconfined aquifer-aquitard systems, Journal of Hydrology, 346(1–2):59–68. [software]
- 25. Dewers, T., J. Heath, K. Kuhlman, R. Jensen, J. Harvey, R. Finch, 2023. Novel Monitoring of Physically-Difficult-to-Access Safeguarded Systems via Autonomous Self-Propagating Space-Filling Chemical Waves, INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting, Vienna Austria, 22-26 May 2023.
- 24. Kuhlman, K.L., J. Bartol, A. Carter, A. Lommerzheim & J. Wolf, 2022. Scenario Development in Safety Assessment, International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, (pp. 329-333) American Nuclear Society, Phoenix, AZ. [Proceedings]
- 23. Jayne, R. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2022. Analyzing Field Data from the Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS): A High-resolution 3D Numerical Comparison between Vornoi and Cartesian Meshing, International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, American Nuclear Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- 22. Simo, E., E.N. Matteo, K.L. Kuhlman, R.S. Jayne, P. León Vargas, P. Herold, A. Lommerzheim & A. Keller, 2022. Design and performance assessment of engineered barrier systems in a salt repository for HLW/SNF, in Proceedings of The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 6-8 July 2022. [book link]
- 21. Jayne, R.S. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2022. Analyzing Field Data from the Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS): A High-Resolution 3D Numerical Study, in Proceedings of The Mechanical Behavior of Salt X, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 6-8 July 2022. [book link]
- 20. Choens, R.C., K.L. Kuhlman, C.G. Herrick & S. Otto, 2022. Acoustic Emission Monitoring of the Thermal Cycling in Salt at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. American Rock Mechanics Association Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, 26-29 June 2022, ARMA22-0296.
- 19. Guiltinan, E., J. Bartol, S. Benbow, M. Bourret, O. Czaikowski, R. Jayne, K. Kuhlman, S. Norris, J. Rutqvist, H. Shao, H. Tounsi, C. Watson & P. Stauffer, 2022. Brine Availability Test in Salt: International Collaborative Modeling in the DECOVALEX Project - 22164, in Proceedings of the Waste Management Conference WM2022, Phoenix AZ, USA, 6-10 March 2022.
- 18. Dewers, T.A., J.E. Heath, K.L. Kuhlman, R.P. Jensen, J.A. Harvey & R.J. Finch, 2021. Novel Methods For International Safeguards Sensing: Nonlinear Chemical Waves and In Situ Logic-tree Analysis, Proceedings of the INMM & ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Meeting, August 30-September 1, 2021.
- 17. Xiong, Y., K. Kuhlman, M. Mills & Y. Wang, 2020. Validation and Recalibration of the Solubility Models in Support of the Heater Test in Salt Formations, MRS Advances, 5:233-243.
- 16. Kuhlman, K.L. & E.N. Matteo, 2018. Porosity and Permeability: Literature Review and Summary, Mechanical Behavior of Salt IX Proceedings (ISBN 978-3-9814108-6-0; SAND2017-12697C), Hannover Germany, September 12–14, 2018.
- 15. Stein, E.R., J.M. Frederick, G.E. Hammond, K.L. Kuhlman, P.E. Mariner & S.D. Sevougian, 2017. Modeling Coupled Reactive Flow Processes in Fractured Crystalline Rock, International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Meeting, Charlotte, NC, April 9–13, 2017.
- 14. Kuhlman, K.L., E.L. Hardin, G.A. Freeze, D.C. Sassani & P.V. Brady, 2017.Drilling and Testing in the Deep Borehole Field Test, International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Meeting, Charlotte, NC, April 9–13, 2017.
- 13. Hansen, F.D., C. Howard, K.L. Kuhlman & J. Holland, 2015. Capturing Early Evolution of Salt Openings. American Rock Mechanics Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, June 28–July 1, 2015, ARMA15-300:201-208.
- 12. Kuhlman, K.L., 2015. Deep Borehole Disposal Concept and Field Test, SAND2015–6055O, American Rock Mechanics Association Newsletter, Fall:6–8(16).
- 11. Kuhlman, K.L., B.W. Arnold, P.V. Brady, D.C. Sassani, G.A. Freeze & E.L. Hardin, 2015. Site Characterization for a Deep Borehole Field Test. International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Charleston, SC, April 12–16.
- 10. Freeze, G.A., B.W. Arnold, P.V. Brady, D.C. Sassani & K.L. Kuhlman, 2015. Siting Guidelines for a Deep Borehole Disposal Facility. International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Charleston, SC, April 12–16:618-623.
- 9. Brady, P.V., B.W. Arnold, R.J. MacKinnon, E.L. Hardin, D.C. Sassani, K.L. Kuhlman & G.A. Freeze, 2015. Research Needs for Deep Boreholes. International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Charleston, SC, April 12–16:122-124.
- 8. Park, H.D., G. Hammond, T. Zeitler & K.L. Kuhlman, 2015. Development of Three Dimensional Models for WIPP Performance Assessment Using PFLOTRAN. Waste Management, Phoenix, AZ, March 15–19, Annual Meeting 2015, 15073.
- 7. Freeze, GA., B.W. Arnold, P.V. Brady, D.C. Sassani, K.L. Kuhlman & R.J. MacKinnon, 2015. Siting Considerations for a Deep Borehole Disposal Facility. Waste Management, Phoenix, AZ, March 15–19, Annual Meeting 2015, 15403.
- 6. Kuhlman, K.L., 2013. Historic Testing Relevant to Disposal of Heat-Generating Waste in Salt. American Nuclear Society, Albuquerque, NM, International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, 1:72–77.
- 5. Kuhlman, K.L. & K.S. Barnhart, 2011. Hydrogeology Associated with the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. American Nuclear Society, Albuquerque, NM, International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, 2:1126–1132.
- 4. Kuhlman, K.L., 2011. Hydrogeology and WIPP Compliance. Waste Management Symposia, Phoenix, AZ, Waste Management Conference 2011.
- 3. Clayton, D.J., R.C. Camphouse, S.C. Dunagan, J.W. Garner, A.E. Ismail, T.B. Kirchner, K.L. Kuhlman, J.L. Long, M.B. Nemer, 2010. Overview of Performance Assessment for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management, Seattle WA, 4:3401–3411.
- 2. Hillesheim, M.B., K.L. Kuhlman & R.L. Beauheim, 2009. Significant Development in the Understanding of Culebra Hydrology at the WIPP Site. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Atlanta, GA, 100:122–124.
- 1. Kuhlman, K.L. & S.P. Neuman, 2006. Recent Advances in LT-AEM Theory and Application to Transient Groundwater Flow. Copenhagen, Denmark, Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources XVI.
See lists of things I have authored at OSTI.
- Simo, E., P. Herold, A. Lommerzheim, A. Keller, E.N. Matteo, R.S. Jayne, K.L. Kuhlman & M.M. Mills, 2024. RANGERS - Methodology Report on Design and Performance Assessment of Engineered Barrier Systems in a Salt Repository for HLW/SNF, SAND2024-16080R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia Natinoal Laboratories and BGE TEC.
- Simo, E., P. Herold, A. Lommerzheim, A. Keller, E.N. Matteo, C.M. Lopez, D.E. Fukuyama, R.S. Jayne, K.L. Kuhlman & M.M. Mills, 2024. RANGERS - Methodology Report on Design and Performance Assessment of Engineered Barrier Systems in a Salt Repository for HLW/SNF, SAND2024-16082R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia Natinoal Laboratories and BGE TEC.
- Kuhlman, K.L., M.M. Mills, R.S. Jayne, E.N. Matteo, C.G. Herrick, R.C. Choens, M.J. Paul, P.H. Stauffer, E. Guiltinan, T. Rahn, S. Otto, J. Davis, D.L. Eldridge, J. Rutqvist, Y. Wu, M. Hu, H. Chen & J. Wang, 2024 Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) FY24 Update, SAND2024-12338R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Mills, M.M., K.L. Kuhlman, R.S. Jayne, J.B. Coulibaly & B. Reedlunn, 2024. Salt International Collaborations FY24 Update, SAND2024-09939R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2024. DECOVALEX-2023: Task E Final Report, LBNL-2001625, Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (see all DECOVALEX task reports)
- Kuhlman, K.L., M.M. Mills, R.C. Choens, C.G. Herrick, S. Otto, J. Davis, P.H. Stauffer & Y. Wu, 2024. Summary of the Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS), Including Extended Plan for Experiments at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), SAND2024-03904R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Mills, M.M., K.L. Kuhlman, R.S. Jayne, J. Melzer, T. Popp, T. Cajihi, L. Friedenberg, O. Czaikowski & N. Gupta, 2024. Proceedings of the 13th US/German Workshop on Salt Repository Research, Design, and Operation, SAND2024-02255R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia Natinoal Laboratories.
- Myers, S.C., G. Abbott, T. Alexander, E. Alger, A. Alvarez, N. Annabelle, T. Antoun, G. Auld, A. Malach, H. Banuelos, M. Barela, T. Barnhart, P. Barrow, T. Bartlett, A. Bockman, M. Bodmer, K. Bogolub, J. Bonner, R. Borden, H. Boukhalfa, D. Bowman, C. Britt, B. Broman, S. Broome, B. Brown, J. Burghardt, D. Chester, C. Choens, K. Chojnicki, A. Churby, J. Cole, T. Coleman, J. Collard, A. Couture, G. Crosby, A. Cruz-Cabrera, D. D'Saint Angelo, M. Dea, W. Dekin, B. DeVisser, M. Dietel, C. Downs, N. Downs, E. Dzenitis, E. Eckert, S. Eras, G. Euler, S. Ezzedine, J. Fast, J. Feldman, K. Featherston, M. Foxe, C. Freimuth, B. Fritz, G. Galvin, S. Gamboa, L. Garner, T. Gascoigne, J. Gastelum, J. Gaylord, D. Gessey, B. Glasgow, G. Glavin, A. Glomski, M. Goodwin, D. Green, J. Griego, S. Grover, J. Gutierrez, D. Haas, R. Hall, A. Hall, D. Hardy, D. Hauk, J. Heath, A. Holand, J. Holdcroft, A. Holland, W. Honjas, K. Howard, C. Hudson, M. Ingraham, J. Jaramillo, A. Jenkins, C. Johnson, K. Jones, F. Falliner, W. Junor, M. Keillor, G. Kent, M. Keogh, W. Kibikas, K. Kleadbeater, H. Knox, J. Knox, K. Kuhlman, C. Kwiatkowski, K. Laintz, J. Lapka, J. Larotonda, J. Layne, N. Ledoux, S. Li, D. Linneman, P. Lipkowitz, G. MacLeod, E. McCann, R. McCombe, C. Meierbachtol, R. Mellors, B. Memmott, W. Mendenhall, J. Mendez, X. Miller, A. Miller, F. Miranda, M. Montano, M. Moore, J. Morris, W. Munley, E. Murillo, T. Myers, A. Navarro, S. Nippress, S. Otto, S. Peacock, S. Pemberton, R. Perea, J. Peterson, L. Pierre-Yves, G. Plank, A. Podrasky, D. Podrasky, J. Pope, M. Poskey, M. Powell, A. Price, A. Puyleart, B. Quintana, T. Rahn, C. Rendon, J. Reppart, H. Rico, B. Roberts, E. Robey, R. Rodd, M. Rodriguez, A. Rogall, A. Romanczuk, M. Roth, G. Salyer, B. Savran, W. Schalk, C. Seifert, D. Seitz, X. Shao, D. Sirota, J. Slack, D. Slater, K. Smith, D. Smith, B. Spears, D. Sprinkle, R. Stead, M. Stephens, C. Strickland, A. Tafoya, J. Tafoya, M. Tagoe, C. Taguba, L. Tarnecki, R. Tatge, S. Teich-McGoldrick, B. Terry, R. Thompson, M. Townsend, G. Tubbs, R. Turley, N. Valdez, A. Van Morris, S. Vergara, J. Vigil, J. Villanueva, O. Vorobiev, D. Wallace, T. Walrath, S. Wharton, R. White, H. White, A. Whitehill, M. Williams, J. Wilson, L. Wood, C. Wright, A. Wright, G. Xu, X. Yang, R. Yost & C. Zeiler, 2024. A Multi-Physics Experiment for Low-Yield Nuclear Explosion Monitoring, LLNL-TR-864107, Livermore, CA: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- Wilson, J.E., J.E. Heath, K.L. Kuhlman, G. Xu, M.A. Bodmer, S.T. Broome, J.L. Jaramillo, P.C. Barrow, M.A. Rodriguez, J.J.M. Griego, N.R. Valdez, J. Reppart, D. Smith, J. Larontonda & M. Townsend, 2024. PE1 Site Characterization: Data Documentation on Geologic and Hydrologic Lab Testing, SAND2024-07526, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Bodmer, M.A., M.J. Townsend, B.L. Roberts, J.E. Wilson, J.J. Reppart, D. Smith, N.M. Downs, J.D. Feldman, R.C. Choens, J.E.Heath, A.A. Holland, P.C. Barrow, T. Bartlett, H. Boukhalfa, S.T. Broome, M. Dietel, C. Downs, S.M. Ezzedine, C.R. Freimuth, J.J.M. Griego, M.D. Ingraham, J.L. Jaramillo, K.R. Jones, W.M. Kibikas, K.L. Kuhlman, J.M. Larotonda, A.J. Miller, S.J. Otto, M.D. Powell, M.A. Rodriguez, J.J. Tafoya, N.R. Valdez, G. Xu, S.M. Lyons & P.H. Stauffer, 2024. LYNM PE1 Pre-Experiment A Site Characterization Report, SAND2024-07522, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L. & J.E. Heath, 2023. Scaling Containment on a Large Centrifuge, SAND2023-02634, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., E.N. Matteo, M.M. Mills, R.S. Jayne, J.B. Coulibaly, B. Reedlunn & J.E. Bean, 2023 Salt International Collaborations FY23 Update, SAND2023-07447R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., F.T. Good, T. LaForce & J.E. Heath, 2022. FY22 Progress on Imbibition Testing in Containment Science, SAND2022-13014, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Beşkardeş, G.D., C.J. Weiss, A. Darrh, K.L. Kuhlman, K.-W. Chang, 2022. Physically Rigorous Reduced-order Flow Models of Fractured Subsurface Environments Without Explosive Computational Cost, SAND2022-12255, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K., M. Mills, J. Heath & M. Paul, 2022. FY22 Progress on Multicontinuum Methods in Containment, SAND2022-10011, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K., E. Matteo, M. Mills, R. Jayne, B. Reedlunn, S. Sobolik & J. Bean, 2022. Salt International Collaborations FY22 Update, SAND2022-10213R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Simo, E., H. Philipp, A. Keller, A. Lommerzheim, E. Matteo, T. Hadgu, R. Jayne, K. Kuhlman & M. Mills, 2022. RANGERS: State of the Art and Science on Engineered Barrier Systems in Salt Formations, SAND2022-0204R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- D'Elia, M., P. Bochev, J.T. Foster, C. Glusa, M. Gulian, M. Gunzburger, J. Trageser, K. Kuhlman, M. Martinez, H. Najm, S. Silling, M. Tupek & X. Xu, 2022. Mathematical Foundations for Nonlocal Interface Problems: Multiscale Simulations of Heterogeneous Materials. Final LDRD Report, SAND2022-12737, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K., M. Mills, R. Jayne, E. Matteo, C. Herrick, M. Nemer, Y. Xiong, C. Choens, M. Paul, P. Stauffer, H. Boukhalfa, E. Guiltinan, T. Rahn, D. Weaver, S. Otto, J. Davis, J. Rutqvist, Y. Wu, M. Hu, S. Uhlemann & J. Wang, 2021. Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) FY21 Update, SAND2021-10962R, M2SF-21SN010303052, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L. & J.E. Heath, 2021. Multicontinuum Flow Models for Assessing Two-Phase Flow in Containment Science, SAND2021-7191, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., S. Otto, P. Stauffer & Y. Wu, 2021. Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) Extended Plan for Experiments at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), SAND2021-3497R, M3SF-21SN010303055, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K., M. Mills, R. Jayne, E. Matteo, C. Herrick, M. Nemer, J. Heath, Y. Xiong, C. Choens, P. Stauffer, H. Boukhalfa, E. Guiltinan, T. Rahn, D. Weaver, B. Dozier, S. Otto, J. Rutqvist, Y. Wu, M. Hu, S. Uhlemann & J. Wang, 2020. FY20 Update on Brine Availability Test in Salt, SAND2020-9034R, M2SF-20SN010303032, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2020. DECOVALEX-2023 Task E Specification, Revision 0, SAND2020-4289R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories. [DECOVALEX project website]
- Sandia, Los Alamos, and Lawrence Berkeley national labs, 2020. Project Plan: Salt in Situ Heater Test, M3SF-205N010303034, SAND2020-1251R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories. [Update of April 2018 report by the same name]
- Betters, C., J. Vornlocher, T. Paronish, D. Crandall, J. Moore & K.L. Kuhlman, 2020. Computed Tomography Scanning and Geophysical Measurements of the Salado Formation from Boreholes at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. NETL-TRS-1-2020, Morgantown, WV: National Energy Technology Laboratory.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2019. Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) at WIPP, SAND2019-12447PE, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories [presentation at Carlsbad chapter of American Nuclear Society meeting].
- Mills, M., K. Kuhlman, E. Matteo, C. Herrick, M. Nemer, J. Heath, Y. Xiong, C. Lopez, P. Stauffer, H. Boukhalfa, E. Guiltinan, T. Rahn, D. Weaver, B. Dozier, S. Otto, J. Rutqvist, Y. Wu & M. Hu, 2019. Salt Heater Test (FY19), M3SF-19SN01030303, SAND2019–10240R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories. [Near-final design, superceded by SAND2020-9034R]
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2019. Processes in Salt Repositories, M4SF-19SN010303035, SAND2019–6441R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Mills, M., K. Kuhlman, E. Matteo, C. Herrick, M. Nemer, J. Heath, Y. Xiong, M. Paul, P. Stauffer, H. Boukhalfa, E. Guiltinan, T. Rahn, D. Weaver, B. Dozier, S. Otto, J. Rutqvist, Y. Wu, J. Ajo-Franklin & M. Hu, 2019. Salt Heater Test (FY19), M2SF-19SN0103031, SAND2019–4814R, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories. [Initial design, superseded by SAND2019-10240R]
- Kuhlman, K.L. & P.H. Stauffer, 2019. DOE Salt Research and WIPP Test, SAND2019-4055PE, Albquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories. [NWTRB spring meeting website, and subsequent NWTRB report]
- Kuhlman, K.L., E.L. Hardin & M.J. Rigali, 2019. Deep Borehole Laboratory and Borehole Testing Strategy: Generic Drilling and Testing Plan, SAND2019–1896, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., C.M. Lopez, M.M. Mills, J.M. Rimsza & D.C. Sassani, 2018. Evaluation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposition in Salt (FY18), M2SF-18SN010303031, SAND2018–11355R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Ofice of Nuclear Energy, Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Campaign. (python EQ6 extractor developed for this work)
- Kuhlman, K.L., E.N. Matteo, T. Hadgu, B. Reedlunn, S.R. Sobolik, M.M. Mills, L.D. Kirkes, Y. Xiong, J.P. Icenhower, 2017. Status Report on Laboratory Testing and International Collaborations in Salt, SFWD-SFWST-2017–000100, SAND2017–10355R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Campaign.
- Kuhlman, K.L., M.M. Mills & E.N. Matteo, 2017. Consensus on Intermediate Scale Salt Field Test Design, SFWD-SFWST-2017–000099, SAND2017–3179R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Campaign.
- Jove Colon, C.F., G.E. Hammond, K.L. Kuhlman, L. Zheng, K. Kim, H. Xu, J. Rutqvist, F.A. Caporuscio, K.E. Norskog, J. Maner, S. Palaich, M. Cheshire, M. Zavarin, T.J. Wolery, C. Atkins Duffin, J.L. Jerden, J.M. Copple, T. Cruse & W.L. Ebert, 2016. Evaluation of Used Fuel Disposition in Clay-Bearing Rock, FCRD-UFD-2016-000074, SAND2016-10311R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Sandia National Laboratories, 2016. Deep Borehole Field Test Laboratory and Borehole Testing Strategy, FCRD-UFRD-2016–000072, SAND2016–9235R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Hansen, F.D., K.L. Kuhlman & S. Sobolik, 2016. Considerations of the Differences between Bedded and Domal Salt Pertaining to Disposal of Heat-Generating Nuclear Waste, FCRD-UFRD-2016–000441, SAND2016–6522R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Kuhlman, K.L., P.V. Brady, R.J. MacKinnon, J.E. Heath, C.G. Herrick, R.P. Jensen, M. Rigali, T. Hadgu, S.D. Sevougian, J. Birkholzer, B.M. Freifeld & T. Daley, 2016. Conceptual Design and Requirements for Characterization and Field Test Boreholes: Deep Borehole Field Test, FCRD-UFD-2015–000131 Rev 1, SAND2016–5692R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- MacKinnon, R.J. & K.L. Kuhlman, 2016. A Control Variate Method for Probabilistic Performance Assessment: Improved Estimates for Mean Performance Quantities of Interest. SAND2016–4679, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., P.V. Brady, R.J. MacKinnon, W.P. Gardner, J.E. Heath, C.G. Herrick, R.P. Jensen, T. Hadgu, S.D. Sevougian, J. Birkholzer, B.M. Freifeld & T. Daley, 2015. Deep Borehole Field Test: Characterization Borehole Science Objectives, FCRD-UFD-2015–000131, SAND2015–4424R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Sassani, D.C., E.L. Hardin, K.L. Kuhlman & R.J. MacKinnon, 2015. Field-scale Thermal Testing in a Generic Salt Disposal Environment Underground Research Laboratory (URL): Delineation of Principal Purpose, Objectives, and Hypotheses, SAND2015–0703R, Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2015. Deep Borehole: from Disposal Concept to Field Test, SAND2015–3116PE. Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2014. Seeing into the Earth with Hydrogeophysics: Streaming Potential, SAND2014–19145PE. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Hardin, E.L., K.L. Kuhlman & F.D. Hansen, 2014. Technical Feasibility of Measuring Low-Stress Low Strain-Rate Deformation Relevant to a Salt Repository, FCRD-UFD-2014–000614, SAND2014-17435R. Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Sassani, D.C., K.L. Kuhlman, B.A. Robinson, D.J. Weaver & J. Birkholzer, 2014. Framework for Underground Research for Generic Repository Investigations in Salt, FCRD-UFD-2014–000620, SAND2014–17828R. Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2014. Summary Results for Brine Migration Modeling Performed by LANL, LBNL, and SNL for the Used Fuel Disposition Program, FCRD-UFD-2014–000071, SAND2014–18217R. Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign. [bitbucket]
- Kuhlman, K.L. & B. Malama, 2014. Assessment of Contaminated Brine Fate and Transport in MB139 at WIPP, SAND2014–16153. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2014. Technical Basis for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste in Salt, SAND2014–1857C. Albuquerque, NM: DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign. [NWTRB March 19, 2014 public meeting]
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2014. Compliance Recertification Application 2014 for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Appendix HYDRO-2014 Hydrological Investigations, DOE/WIPP-14–3503. Carlsbad, NM: DOE Office of Environmental Management, Carlsbad Field Office. [entire WIPP CRA 2014]
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2014. Compliance Recertification Application 2014 for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Appendix TFIELD-2014 Transmissivity Fields, DOE/WIPP-14–3503. Carlsbad, NM: DOE Office of Environmental Management, Carlsbad Field Office. [entire WIPP CRA 2014]
- Kuhlman, K.L. & S.D. Sevougian, 2013. Establishing the Technical Basis for Disposal of Heat-Generating Waste in Salt, FCRD-UFD-2013–000233, SAND2013–6212P. Albuquerque, NM: US DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Kuhlman, K.L. & B. Malama, 2013. Brine Flow in Heated Geologic Salt, SAND2013–1944. Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories. [bitbucket]
- Kuhlman, K.L., S. Wagner, D. Kicker, R. Kirkes, C. Herrick, D. Guerin, 2012. Review and Evaluation of Salt R&D Data for Disposal of Nuclear Waste in Salt, FCRD-UFD-2012–000380, SAND2012–8808P. Carlsbad, NM: DOE Office of Nulcear Energy, Used Fuel Disposition Campaign.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2010. Analysis Report for the CRA-2009 PABC Culebra Flow and Transport Calculations, ERMS-552951, Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., 2010. Culebra Water Level Monitoring Network Design, ERMS-554054, Carlsbad, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
- Kuhlman, K.L., F.T. Good, M.M. Mills, M.J. Paul, J.E. Heath, T. LaForce & B. Seaburn, 2023. Utilizing Heat of Wetting to Estimate Physical Properties of Tuff, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, H115-1501.
- Kuhlman, K.L., M. Mills, J. Heath, M. Paul, F. Good, J. Wilson, S. Broome, 2022. Multiporosity Parameter Estimation of Multiphase Flow from Imbibition in Tuff, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Chicaco, IL, H45J-1513.
- Birkholzer, J.T., A. Bond, K.L. Kuhlman, C. Plua, 2021. The International DECOVALEX Model Comparison Project: Recent Advances in Simulating Coupled Processes in the Subsurface, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, MR51A-03.
- Wang, J., Y. Wu, S. Uhlemann, S. Otto, B.L. Dozier, K.L. Kuhlman, 2021. Joint Geophysical and Numerical Insights of the Coupled Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical Process During Heating at WIPP Nuclear Waste Repository, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, MR55A-08.
- Beskardes, G.D., C.J. Weiss, K.-W. Chang, K.L. Kuhlman, 2021. Modeling of Diffusion in Complex Fractured Porous Media by Using Hierarchical Material Properties, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, H45J-1296.
- Guiltinan, E.J., T.A. Rahn, K.L. Kuhlman & P.H. Stauffer, 2021. Brine Availability Test in Salt: THMC Simulations of a Heated Borehole in Salt, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, MR52A-03.
- Kuhlman, K.L., M. Mills, R. Jayne, C. Herrick, C. Choens, M. Nemer, J. Heath, E. Matteo, Y. Xiong, S. Otto, B. Dozier, D. Weaver, P. Stauffer, E. Guiltinan, H. Boukhalfa, T. Rahn, Y. Wu, J. Rutqvist, M. Hu, D. Crandall, 2020. First-Round Testing of the Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), American Geophysical Union, Virtual Fall Meeting, MR002-0009. [poster]
- Jayne, R., K.L. Kuhlman, 2020. Utilizing Field Data and Numerical Modeling to Constrain Reservoir Parameters During a Salt Heater Test, American Geophysical Union, Virtual Fall Meeting, MR002-0007. [poster]
- Wang, J., S. Uhlemann, S. Otto, B.L. Dozier, K.L. Kuhlman & Y. Wu, 2020. In-situ Experimental Study of the Coupled Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical Behavior at WIPP Using Resistivity and Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing, American Geophysical Union, Virtual Fall Meeting, MR005-05. [poster]
- Choens, R.C., K.L. Kuhlman, C.G. Herrick, S. Otto, B.L. Dozier, 2020. Thermally Induced Acoustic Emissions in Salt at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, American Geophysical Union, Virtual Fall Meeting, MR002-0004.[poster]
- Mills, M.M., K.L. Kuhlman & E.N. Matteo, 2020. Seal System Research within the Brine Availability Test in Salt at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, American Geophysical Union, Virtual Fall Meeting, MR005-03. [presentation]
- Jayne, R. & K. Kuhlman, 2020. Reservoir Response to Heat Generating Nuclear Waste Disposal in Bedded Salt, European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, General Assembly 2020 Meeting, EGU2020-5705. [presentation]
- Zeitler, T.R., K.L. Kuhlman & J. Greathouse, 2020. Parameter Sensitivity in Subsurface Gas Transport Calculations, Goldschmidt 2020 Meeting.
- Rahn, T., H. Boukhalfa, B. Dozier, D. Ware, S. Otto, D. Weaver, P. Stauffer, E. Guiltinan, J. Rutqvist, Y. Wu, K. Kuhlman, M. Mills & C. Herrick, 2020. Brine Availability Test in Salt, a Heated Borehole Experiment at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico, USA, 2020 Waste Management Symposia, Phoenix, AZ, Session 30D, 20233. [poster]
- Guiltinan, E., T. Miller, P. Stauffer, J. Rutqvist & K. Kuhlman. Brine Availability Test in Salt: THMC Simulations of a Heated Borehole in Salt, 2020 Waste Management Symposia, Phoenix, AZ, Session 118, 20239. [presentation]
- Kuhlman, K.L. & B. Malama, 2019. Eigenvalue uncoupling of electrokinetic flows, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2019, H21H-1815, SAND2019-14730C. [poster]
- Dewers, T.A., J.E. Heath, R.P. Jensen & K.L. Kuhlman, 2019. Nonlinear tracers and subsurface sensing with chemical waves, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2019, H23L-2066. [poster]
- Guiltinan, E.J., P.H. Stauffer, H. Boukhalfa & K.L. Kuhlman, 2019. Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt: WIPP Experiments and Simulations, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2019, MR21B-0071. [poster]
- Stauffer, P.H., K.L. Kuhlman, H. Boukhalfa, E.J. Guiltinan, M. Bourret, B. Dozier, T. Miller, S. Otto, J. Rutqvist & D. Weaver, 2019. The Hydrogeology of Thermally Active Energy Waste in Bedded Salt, Geological Society of America 2019 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 175-4. [presentation]
- Rimsza, J. & K. Kuhlman, 2019. Surface Structure and Energetics at the Salt-Brine Interface, Materials Science & Technology 2019, Portland, Oregon.
- Sassani, D.C., C.M. Lopez, P.V. Brady, K.L. Kuhlman, C. Jove-Colon, 2019. Evaluating Evolution of Crustal Fluids in Crystalline Basement Systems, 2019 Goldschmidt Meeting, Barcellona Spain. [presentation]
- Dewers, T., J.E. Heath, R.P. Jensen & K.L. Kuhlman, 2019. Subsurface Sensing of Fault and Fracture Networks with Nonlinear Chemical Wave Tracing, 2019 Geological Coupled Processes (GeoPROC), July 2 to July 7, Utrech, Netherlands. [presentation]
- Dewers, T., J. Heath, R. Jensen & K. Kuhlman, 2019. Nonlinear tracers and in situ computing: Subsurface sensing with chemical waves, Spring 2019 American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando FL (GEOC). [presentation]
- Kuhlman, K.L., M.M. Mills, N.R. Aluru & B. Malama, 2018. Electrokinetic Method for Permeability Characterization, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC, Fall Meeting 2018, H41J-2205 SAND2018-13795C. [poster]
- Kuhlman, K.L., E.N. Matteo & M.M. Mills, 2017. Brine Migration in Heated Salt: Lessons Learned from Field Experiments, American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA, Fall Meeting 2017, MR13A-0311 SAND2017-12965C. [poster]
- Sassani, D.C., P.V. Brady, K.L. Kuhlman, C.F. Jove Colón & C.M. Lopez, 2017. Fluid-Rock Processes Driving Isolation of Crustal Fluids in Crystalline Basement Systems, Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France, August 13–18, 2017. [presentation]
- Kuhlman, K.L., E.L. Hardin, G.A. Freeze, D.C. Sassani & P.V. Brady, 2016. Site Characterization for a Deep Borehole Field Test, SAND2016–12408C, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2016, H13F-1456. [poster]
- Broome, S., A. Cashion, J. Feldman, A.J. Sussman, E. Swanson, J. Wilson, J.E. Heath & K.L. Kuhlman, 2016. Laboratory Noble Gas Migration Experiments Through Rock, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2016, S31A-2693 SAND2016-12586C. [poster]
- Kuhlman, K.L., D.C. Sassani, G.A. Freeze, E.L. Hardin & P.V. Brady, 2016. Site Characterization for the Deep Borehole Field Test, SAND2016–9387C, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, September 25-28, 2016. [presentation]
- Kuhlman, K.L., E.L. Hardin, G.A. Freeze, D.C. Sassani & P.V. Brady, 2015. Site Characterization for a Deep Borehole Field Test, SAND2015–10663C, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2015, H13-M01. [presentation]
- Kuhlman, K.L., J.E. Heath, W.P. Gardner & D.G. Robinson, 2014. Multiporosity Flow of Gases in Fractured Shale Formations. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2014, H51B-0610. [poster]
- Heath, J.E., W.P. Gardner, K.L. Kuhlman, D.G. Robinson & S. Bauer, 2014. Noble Gas Tracing of Fluid Transport in Shale Reservoirs. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2014, V51D-4803. [poster]
- Kuhlman, K.L., B. Malama, J.E. Heath, W.P. Gardner & D.G. Robinson, 2013. Multi-Porosity Transport of Natural Tracers in a Fractured System. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2013, H53A-1405. [poster]
- Heath, J.E., W.P. Gardner, K.L. Kuhlman, B. Malama, 2013. Characterization of Hydraulic Fractures and Reservoir Properties of Shale Using Natural Tracers. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2013, MR11A-2213. [poster]
- Sturchio, N.C., K.L. Kuhlman, R. Yokochi, P.C. Probst, W. Jiang, Z.-T. Lu, P. Mueller & G.-M. Yang, 2013. Krypton-81 in Groundwater of the Culebra Dolomite Aquifer Near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2013, H13I-1490. [poster]
- Mishra, P.K., V.V. Vesselinov & K.L. Kuhlman, 2012. Radial flow towards well in leaky unconfined aquifer. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2012, H43D-1375. [poster]
- Kuhlman, K.L., B. Malama & S.C. James, 2011. Parameter Uniqueness and Uncertainty Associated for Multirate Transport Models Applied to Core-Scale Test Data. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2011, abstract H31D-1179. [poster]
- Kuhlman, K.L. & B. Malama, 2010. Computing the Electrokinetic Response with Simple Models via Eigenvalue Decomposition. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract H13D-0992. [poster]
- Ferré, T.P.A, M.S. Mirjat, D.A. Rose, M. Tuller & K.L. Kuhlman, 2010. Optimizing Flood Irrigation to Flush Accumulated Salts Through Zonal Flooding. American Society of Agronomy/Crop Science Society of America/Soil Science Society of America, Long Beach, CA, joint International Annual 2010 meeting. [poster]
- Malama, B., K.L. Kuhlman & A. Revil, 2009. Aquifer Characterization using Transient Streaming Potentials Generated by Flow During Pumping Tests – New developments. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract H43C-1046. [poster]
- Kuhlman, K.L. & S.P. Neuman, 2008. Particle Tracking in Transient Groundwater Flow Fields with the Laplace Transform Analytic Element Method. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract H31F-0949. [poster]
- Kuhlman, K.L. & S.P. Neuman, 2007. Transient Analytic Element Solutions for Flexible Aquifer Test Analyses. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract H23I-08. [presentation]
- Malama, B., K.L. Kuhlman & W. Barrash, 2007. Extension of Leakage Theory to Unconfined Aquifer Flow. American Geophysical Union, Acapulco, Mexico, Spring Meeting 2007, abstract H53E-04. [poster]
- Kuhlman, K.L. & S.P. Neuman, 2006. Recent Advances in Laplace Transform Analytic Element Method (LT-AEM) Theory and Application to Transient Groundwater Flow. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Fall Meeting 2006, abstract H41B-0397. [poster]
Software is free for use and redistribution via the MIT license. If you cannot compile or run the program yourself, I may be able to help you compile it or set up the right environment to get it working.
Most of this software, and various other publically available git repositories with sofwtare are found on bitbucket or github under my username.
- (github) · Laplace Transform Analytic Element Method
A Fortran03 program implementing the LT-AEM for circular (including wells as a special case) and elliptical elements (including lines as a special case), used in Bakker & Kuhlman (2011), my dissertation, and Kuhlman & Neuman (2009). This includes an implementation of the same modified Mathieu library also given as a stand-alone Python library below.
- (github) · Unconfined Well Test Simulator
A Fortran03 program implementing the major unconfined well test solutions (Neuman, 1972; Neuman, 1974; Moench, 1995; Moench, 2001; Mishra & Neuman, 2010; Mishra & Neuman, 2011; Malama, 2011), and special degenerate cases (Theis, 1935; Hantush, 1961). The program executes in parallel on multiple processors using OpenMP. It can compute a time-series solution at a point (including the derivative) or a contour map of drawdown in space at a given time. The git repository also includes data from three large-scale unconfined pumping tests.
- (bitbucket) · Multiporosity Well Test Simulator
A Fortran03 program implementing a radially symmetric solution to the multiporosity governing equations (Kuhlman et al., 2015). The multiporosity solution is a generalization of dual-porosity flow in low-permeability fractured rocks. The distribution of a potentially infinite number of porosities (i.e., an extension of double or triple porosity) degenerates to multiple published solutions (Warren & Root, 1963; Kazemi, 1969; Clossman, 1975). The multiporosity solution is the logical combination of the multirate solute transport solution of Haggerty & Gorelick (1995) with the double-porosity pressure-driven well test solution of Warren & Root.
- (bitbucket) · Moving Water Table Unconfined Slug Test Solution
A Fortran90 program implementing the unconfined (MWT solution of Neuman 1972) slug test solution, which accounts for linearized momentum balance in the slug test interval (i.e., oscillating slug responses) discussed in Malama et al. (2011), and includes the extensions for predicting drawdown during cross-hole slug tests, as discussed in Malama et al. (2016). This program computes the double numerical inverse Laplace and Hankel transforms (infinite Hankel transform in 2011 solution, and finite Hankel transform in 2016 solution) to compute the time-domain solution given in the paper.
NB: The extended or unified Hyder solution from Malama et al. (2011) (which extended the confined Hyder solution to unconfined conditions with a constant head boundary at the water table) is a MATLAB/Octave script that is also available.
- (ZIP, DIR) · Leaky-unconfined Aquifer Flow Solution
A Fortran90 program for computing the leaky-unconfined solutions discussed in Malama, Kuhlman & Barrash (2007; 2008). This program does the double numerical inverse Laplace and Hankel transforms required to compute the time-domain solutions given in the papers.
- (ZIP, DIR, bitbucket) · Electrokinetic Pumping Test Voltage Solution
A Fortran90 program for computing the electrokinetic response from pumping a well in an unconfined system, as discussed in Malama et al. (2009a; 2009b). The numerical Laplace inverse transform uses the Stehfest algorithm, while a combination of tanh-sinh quadrature and accelerated Gauss-Lobatto quadrature (between the zeros of the J0 Bessel function) is used for the numerical Hankel inverse transform. These algorithms are much faster and more accurate than the algorithms used in the leaky-unconfined papers listed above.
- (ZIP, DIR) · Steady Unsaturated Flow from an Elliptical Pipe
A set of MATLAB/Octave scripts for computing Quasilinear infiltration solutions to Richards' equation from Kuhlman & Warrick (2008). These scripts compute the required ratios of Mathieu functions, compute the solution, and plot the figures shown in the paper.
- (ZIP, DIR, bitbucket)
· Modified Mathieu Functions of Complex Parameter
A Python module for computing both angular and radial modified Mathieu functions (and their derivatives with respect to argument) of integer order and general complex Mathieu parameter (Re(q)<0), see a pdf summary of Mathieu function library output, and a numerical comparison to a published C++ Mathieu function library for real q (Alhargan, 2000). The Python module requires numpy and scipy. This same functionality is also implemented in Fortran in my LT-AEM program available above.
- (ZIP, DIR) · Cokriging Hydraulic Heads with Boundary Conditions
A set of MATLAB/Octave scripts for cokriging heads taking boundary conditions into account, without requiring the user to explicitly come up with the cross-variograms, since they are given explicitly by the physics of the problem (Kuhlman & Pardo-Igúzquiza, 2010). These scripts set up and solve the cokriging equations using either the true derivative or finite-difference approximations and can make all the figures and examples given in the paper.
- (github, DOI) · Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform in Python
I contributed numerical inverse Laplace transform functionality to the Python-based multiprecition library mpmath, specifically the de Hoog, Knight & Stokes, Stehfest, and fixed Talbot algorithms. The documentation for this feature gives more details regarding the capabilities, limitations, and some simple test cases. These same three algorithms are also available in a bitbucket repository that includes a numpy/scipy version of the mpmath library, but using fixed precision.